[루머] 다가오는 2020년 락스타 신작 GTA6 출시 예정

락스타게임즈의 신작

GTA5의 차기작인 GTA6 출시 루머가 나왔습니다.

GTA6는 마이애미 뉴욕 2가지 지역의 도시의 맵을 가질것이며 2020년 PS5와 Xbox2로 출시 된다고 합니다.

단 이전작에도 여러번 출시연기된적이 있고. RDR2 또한 2017년 10월에서

무기한 연기끝에 2018년 10월에 출시되었으며 GTA6가 출시된다면

오랜기간동안 기다릴수 있다고 합니다. 

또한 콘솔버전만 선 출시될것이며 PC버전은 콘솔버전 출시후 차후에 출시될수 있을것이라고 합니다.

GTA6에 대한 자세한 정보는 아래 링크를 참고해주시길 바랍니다.

URL : https://theleaker.com/gta-6-release-date-locations-map-rumors/

GTA fans all around the world are desperately waiting for their favorite game’s next installment since a long time, and everyone was expecting GTA 6 to be released in 2018, as Rockstar has always been releasing GTA franchise within 4-5 years. But in a recent interview with GQ, Dan Houser curbed the dream of GTA VI arriving early by saying he was “thankful” not to be releasing the next GTA title in the time of Donald Trump. The current political climate in the US, thus, seems to be a significant factor in deciding the release of GTA VI.

Update: According to the latest reports, Rockstar working with PlayStation 5 and Xbox 2 on their upcoming GTA 6 game. Accordingly, the GTA VI will release after 2021 and may contain some VR technologies.

Rockstar is known for and has a history of delaying games releases, GTA 5’s release was held back and rescheduled several times before announcing the final release date. And with its recent release Red Dead Redemption 2, which was also delayed many times from fall 2017 to fall 2018 and was finally released in October 2018.

So keeping this in mind and some reports from The Know suggest that fans might have to wait until 2020/2021 before seeing another Grand Theft Auto. What we do know, however, is that ideas are being thrown around for development, even if it’s just in the early stages. Release date of GTA 6 is not so near in the future if any new reports announced from the Rockstar then check this post regularly and we would keep you updated with the latest news. So get your adrenaline high and don’t think about When GTA 6 will release.

With no comment from Rockstar, these rumors remain nothing more than, well, rumors. Thus, without any official confirmation, all the details mentioned above should be taken with a pinch of salt. We would update all the tiny details about the GTA 6. So regularly, keep an eye on our post for new leaks (that’s what our name states) about the GTA VI.

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